Sunday, 19 de May de 2024 00:09h.
YOU 2  
Movie news

Will Marvel best movie, Star wars productions, Universal pacific rim, etc say who is RJTS picture YOU 2, fans claims that RJTS picture title YOU 2 is real with 300 millions dollars budget of the US facilities markets reciepts.

Will Marvel best movie, Star wars productions, Universal pacific rim, etc say who is RJTS picture YOU 2, fans claims that RJTS picture title YOU 2 is real with 300 millions dollars budget of the US facilities markets reciepts. what are you saying about RJ, lies against the production.
Roland Jackson according to report in his page and Marvel entertainment pages the world saw great looks and images in RJTS picture than Marvel.
Lets compare the movies if Roland Jackson YOU 2 beats Marvel entertainment movie or the fan tells lies
RJ 1
RJTS picture will present Taylor Swift before 3 billions audience in YOU 2 release first dates of the list if Roland Jackson drop a representative deal of the long term.

RJTS picture will present Taylor Swift before 3 billions audience in YOU 2 release first dates of the list if Roland Jackson drop a representative deal of the long term.

RJ 1
RJTS picture will present Taylor Swift before 3 billions audience in YOU 2 release first dates of the list if Roland Jackson drop a representative deal of the long term.
Will Roland and Taylor accept facing the audience to drop delaying fans.
YOU 2  
Taylor Swift star YOU 2
movie news
Avatar 2: What We Know So Far

Avatar 2: What We Know So Far

Avatar 2 James Cameron

Screenshot-2018-6-4 Avatar 2 What We Know So Far

The Director James Cameron

The first Avatar was truly a passion project for James Cameron, as the filmmaker spent years and years developing both the script and the technological advancements that needed to be made, so you didn't really expect him to hand off the sequels to someone else, did you? Cameron will be coming back for not just Avatar 2, but for 3, 4 and 5 as well. He has some big plans for the technology side of things, and has talked about both filming at higher frame rates using performance capture underwater. You can be sure that Avatar 2 will push the boundaries of what can be accomplished in modern filmmaking. Cameron wants to show that the first film's success was not a fluke. The director is certainly not expecting success to come automatically to the Avatar sequels simply because the first one did well.

Prince confirma conciertos en Viena y Londres

Prince confirma conciertos en Viena y Londres

El cantante y compositor norteamericano Prince ha confirmado sus cuatro primeros conciertos en Europa, que se celebrarán en Austria y Reino Unido, a la espera de que pueda anunciarse alguna actuación en España, ha informado la promotora Doctor Music.


Cáceres, ciudad de monumentos

Viajar al interior de España y encontrarse en otra época, desde las pinturas rupestres hasta la Cáceres más contemporánea es nuestra propuesta para conocer la que será capital gastronómica de España en 2015, pero que desde hace ya más de veinte años fue reconocida por la UNESCO como Patrimonio de la Humanidad.


Feria Internacional Gastronómica Madrid Fusión

La gastronomía se apodera de todos los rincones de Madrid durante las más de dos semanas que dura Gastrofestival, una cita ineludible para gourmets y todo aquel que quiera disfrutar de la buena cocina. Coincidiendo con la Feria Internacional Gastronómica Madrid Fusión, esta cita anual propone un amplio programa de actividades y experiencias culinarias por toda la ciudad.

La cantante estadounidense, nacida en Cuba, Gloria Estefan. EFE/Archivo

Gloria Estefan ofrecerá un concierto benéfico en Broadway

La cantante cubana Gloria Estefan y su antigua banda, Miami Sound Machine, ofrecerán el 14 de septiembre en el Minskoff Theatre de Broadway un concierto benéfico que servirá de arranque el mes de la herencia hispana en Estados Unidos.