Friday, 03 de May de 2024 00:16h.
YOU 2  
Movie news

Will Marvel best movie, Star wars productions, Universal pacific rim, etc say who is RJTS picture YOU 2, fans claims that RJTS picture title YOU 2 is real with 300 millions dollars budget of the US facilities markets reciepts.

Will Marvel best movie, Star wars productions, Universal pacific rim, etc say who is RJTS picture YOU 2, fans claims that RJTS picture title YOU 2 is real with 300 millions dollars budget of the US facilities markets reciepts. what are you saying about RJ, lies against the production.
Roland Jackson according to report in his page and Marvel entertainment pages the world saw great looks and images in RJTS picture than Marvel.
Lets compare the movies if Roland Jackson YOU 2 beats Marvel entertainment movie or the fan tells lies